Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
In what I'd call one of the greatest things I've seen at GR2 aside the line just a week earlier was a line of folks dropping off toys for the West LA Community Coalition X GR Toy Drive. Yes there...
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This gentleman is into it for the long haul. Saturday - Post It Show 1312-2:45pm PREVIEW for the Work (long line - and we might open it earlier) 3pm SALES begin - We often let in a group at a time. Buy as...
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Erin Althea, Vince Aparo, Anthony Ausgang, Jordan Awan, Rina Ayuyang, Ana Bagayan, Scott Bakal, Dan Barry, Alla Bartoshchuk, Gary Baseman, Tuesday Bassen, Melinda Beavers, Melinda Beck , Maria Beddia, Deirdre Sullivan Beeman, Mary Bergherr, Mike Bertino, Candie Bolton, Steff Bomb,...
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12 noon. Tickets will be passed out, no need to line up, and don't be late. Scheduled: Amy Sol, Peter Chan, Darren Inouye, Aaron Smith, Deth P Sun, Saara Soderlund, Linnea Strid, Luke Chueh, Katsuya Terada, Christina, KMNDZ, Kevin Luong,...
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