Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
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Installation of Post It 8. Hopefully a video coming soon. [nggallery id=GR2-post-it-install]
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We’ll be adding to this, so keep a look out. Know: This is the busiest art exhibition at GR2. There will be more people than there will be space for people. 1) Line forms outside. As far as we know, at this point, Customers can line up anytime you’d like. We’d suggest that customers get here early. Do know that customers can’t save a space by showing up and leaving. More than likely, the space will be gone. We will not police this line. 2) Out of town Customers: We won’t save Post-it notes for you. You can’t buy them ahead of time. They will be available online after the exhibition. 3) Most of the same rules from years past will apply. For example: Customers can purchase 1 Post-it by each artist. Until there is no line left. Then it’s ok for “seconds”. 4) We will be serving at least three customers at a time this year to move the line faster. 5) Customers shall not serve themselves Post-it art. 6) Great Customers of GR2: We love you, but do not ask for “Cuts”. Everyone will be asking for “Cuts”.
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Erin Althea, APAK!, Mari Araki, Nick Arciaga, Peter Arkle, Andrice Arp, Craig Atkinson, Jordan Awan, Rina Ayuyang, Ana Bagayan, Scott Bakal, Matthew Bandsuch, Karen Barbour, Paul Barnes, Dan Barry, Bora Baskan, Niv Bavarsky, Melinda Beck , Gabrielle Bell, Marc Bell, Jonathan Bergeron, Mike Bertino, Tim Biskup, Rick Blanco, Michelle Borok, Melinda Boyce, Katherine Brannock, Julia Breckenreid, Aaron Brown, Calef Brown, Ryan Bubnis, Stasia Kato Burrington, Brian Cairnes, Lilli Carre, Ako Castuera, Jorge Catoni, Edward Robin Cronel, Martin Cendreda, Kevin Chan, Nidhi Chanani, Sean Chao, Ching Ching Cheng, Shawn Cheng, Catia Chien, Alex Chiu, James Chong, Kevin Christy, Luke Chueh, Dave Chung, Chris Cilla, Greg Clarke, Tim Cochran, Allison Cole, David Cook, Jen Corace, Jennie Cotterill, Akina Cox, Andrew James Cox, John Cuneo, Mat Curran, Matt Curtius, Eleanor Davis, Skinner Davis, Jean De Eet, Nikko Deleon, Rui Vitorino Dos Santos, Seth Drenner, Josh Ellingson, Leo Espinosa, Kinoko Evans, Susan Fang, Korin Faught, P-Jay Fidler, Jesse Fillingham, Gilbert Ford, Anthony Freda, Harrison Freeman, Nina Frenkel, Shannon Freshwater, Sarajo Frieden, Jason Furie, Matt Furie, Future Colors of America, Cole Gerst, Susie Ghahremani, Arthur Giron, Charles Glaubitz, Gabe Gonzales, Geoffrey Gonzales, Frieda Gossett, Veronica Graham, Kio Griffith, Peter Hamlin, Hiro Hayashi, Andrew Hem, Brian Herrick, Ryan Heshka, Andrew Holder, Jason Holley, Seonna Hong, Jay Horinouchi, David Horvath, Kerry Horvath, Martin Hsu, Christine Hughes, Rama Hughes, Nick Iluzada, Stella Im Hultberg, Mark Ingram, Mari Inukai, Jordin Isip, J*RYU, Yellena James, Levon Jihanian, Jolby, Keith Jones, Luster Kaboom, Aya Kakeda, Andrea Kang, kaNO, Terri Fry Kasuba, Tasha Kasuma, Audrey Kawasaki, Mike Kelley, Jeremiah Ketner, Dan Ah Kim, Jaesun Kim, Roman Klonek, Jared Konopitski, kozyndan, Hawk Krall, Allison Krumwiede, Eric LaCombe, Travis Lampe, Phillipe Lardy, Jeremiah LaTorre, John Lau, Mashanda Lazarus, Linda Le, Agnes Lee, Alex Lee, Ariel Lee, Hannah Lee, Jane Lee, Gosha Levochkin, Frank Lin, Tory Lin, Tessar Lo, Brian Luong, Kevin Luong, Cassia Lupo, Christopher Lyles, Bradford Lynn, Bill Main, Oscar Mareno, Jimi Martinez, Marz, Mats!?, Marco Mazzoni, Jacob McGraw, Jeff McMillan, Max Miceli, Mark Allen Miller, Miso, Ashley Mistriel, Kwanchai Moriya, Rick Morris, Most Ancient, Chris Mostyn, Julie Murphy, Mark Murphy, Gary Musgrave, Mark Nagata, Masato Nakada, Joel Nakamura, Shihori Nakayama, Shiho Nakaza, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, Tom Neely, Tru Nguyen, NK, Sean Norvet, Eric Nyquist, Michael Olivo, Ming Ong, Martin Ontiveros, Nathan Ota, Pacolli, Sana Park, Sidney Pink, David Plunkert, Wendy Polish, Mimi Pond, John Porcellino, Jarrett Quon, Carlos Ramos, Luke Ramsey, Albert Reyes, Martha Rich, Joe Rocco, Catell Ronca, CD Ryan, Jenny Ryan, Johnny Ryan, Yumi Sakugawa, Souther Salazar, Brooks Salzwedel, Ben Sanders, Emilio Santoyo, Rob Sato, Lena Sayadian, Kevin Scalzo, Joseph Scarano, Jared Andrew Schorr, Sarah Scope, Anna See, Ana Serrano, Shawnimals, Matthew Sheean, Nick Sheehy, Danni Shinya Luo, Skinner, Amy Sol, Bwana Spoons, Brian Stauffer, Dave Stolte, Katherine Streeter, Rachel Sumpter, Ken Tanaka, Gary Taxali, Ken Taya, Scott Teplin, Peter Thompson, Jesse Tise, Mark Todd, Scott Tolleson, Jen Tong, Shark Toof, Gina Triplett, Edwin Ushiro, Sara Veron, Malachi Ward, Mark Weber, Steve Weissman, Aaron Whitaker, Gillian Wilson, Heidi Woan, Connie...
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Writer Liz Ohanesian brings up the conversation about lower priced art and how to get started. It’s a great conversation to be had, and although there’s levels of art and collecting. This is a good and fun way to start. I could also add to this, and perhaps I will later, but #5 on her list, Post Its which usually takes place at GR in December is a great way and perhaps the best way to start a collection. Actually, I’ll even say it’s an unbeatable way to start. (LA Weekly – Art)
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