Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
The Kurihara family allegedly owns three of the disputed “Senkaku Islands” and is reported to sell or have sold them to Japan for $26 million dollars. The problem? They’re disputed by China and are called, “Diaoyu Islands” (WSJ – Senkaku Islands)
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It looks like an island paradise, but it’s not. China says it’s been theirs since the 14th century, Japan says it’s been theirs since 1895. China and Japan are fighting over them, and here’s one breakdown by the Christian Science Monitor that explains some typical questions. (CSM – Senkaku)
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It’s happening. Maybe that trip to China won’t be as fun if you’re Japanese. Japanese cars being flipped over by a thousand protestors over the Senkaku Islands dispute. Guess what? If it were obvious as to who’s a Japanese person, they might get curbed. (Autonews – Japan Bashing)
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