Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Tight capped bottles placed in a Coke machine in the very park where couples try to meet each other in Shanghai.
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Perhaps it’s the last thing people want to see in China, but it’s The Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center. It’s not a huge place, but it has 300 pieces on display. The work has gone on to inspire artists around the world including “you know who” who got in trouble for using an image that wasn’t his. In a country so large that was dominated by Communism, these posters are probably still sitting around in the country sides untouched. This is the story on NPR. (NPR – Chinese Propaganda)
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Chang Deqing dolls. We’re not sure why this one gets singled out by this paper in a world filled with dolls and figures, but it’s getting traction among fashionistas. Perhaps it’s his use of fabrics and being from a place that’s lesser known for figures and toys – China. He’s sort of a new Michael Lau in a way, blending urban wear and a design that’s also reflective of urban themes (regardless of their bad fashion). For you toy fans… Edition of 20! (China Daily – Chang Deqing)
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“It” went from Japan to Taiwan and now to China. Young girls who want the cheese, are dating probably sad and married tycoons or perhaps just mere businessmen with a secret. Japan and Taiwan are to blame according to prosecutors in Shanghai. Is it materialism? The quick road to cash? Prostitution? It’s what happens during an economic bubble, as seen in Japan in the late 80s and earlier 90s. Young girls solicited strangers sex for cash. Basically, everyone wants a quick “in” to the pie. Puns intended. (Wantchinatimes – Compensated Dating)
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It’s not that exciting, but prison is prison. For you fans of caged life, here’s a tale of what it’s like in a Chinese prison. Yes, “IT” happens there too. Just know that if you overstay your visa and elude police, life in the clink will happen. (ilookchina – prison)
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