Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
How? Inventory management. They’re not flooding the market like Nike has, which means, Nike spent a lot opening doors, and perhaps it’s Adidas who have then swept in with the right amount of goods to meet the right demands. It doesn’t make Adidas better, but since in the end, Nike is the global brand. (WSJ – Adidas)
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Back in the day, when leather sneakers just arrived on the scene in the 70s, they were the best sneakers to get. I had a pair similar to these and of course the minute they got dirty, you made every effort to clean them. Some even used a white polish which ends up looking like a creamy paint added on top. I hate that look and would rather they age gracefully with the scuffs. In 2012, the olders style keeps coming back. It’s simple, the lines are clean and the logo and colors are easy. It’s like what Dr J was wearing back in the day – in a game. Yes, he did. Believe it or not, this is what people caged in. PL in the name is simply Pro Leather. No gimmicks and clean. Glad to wear them and you can find them as part of the new collection.
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James Van Doren passes away at 72. He might have been the co-pioneer of shoes that weren’t the major brands of Nike, Adidas, etc. He crafted a shoe that wasn’t the Converse All Star but was more like a “sporty shoe” that was immediately associated with skateboarding – not because of Spicoli in Fast Times in Ridgemont high. He ran the company until 1984, but what he did later was more cool. In the LA Times obituary, “Only 45 years old when he was ousted, Van Doren became a general contractor who often worked for free for people who couldn’t afford to pay, said James Van Doren Jr., one of his three sons.” (LA Times – James Van Doren) I wrote about some black Vans a while ago, here.
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