Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
NY Times writes about West Coast coffee style. The pour over. It’s been here and yes it’s about Hario brand glassware that makes your morning coffee that much better. Thinking about that espresso machine, grinder, and all that gear? Forget it. Just keep it simple. If you’re going to drink it every day, you might as well make it right. You can go all manual for about $100. It’s too bad they mention Williams Sonoma as the place to get everything. Perhaps they’re a big advertiser in the NY Times, but there are plenty of places to order it online. Just do a search and you’ll probably find a better rate. If not get it locally. Support the shop that carries it. (NY Times – Hario)
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Coffee is Los Angeles has official arrived in case you’ve been turned off. It might have started with Intelligestia doing their high end coffee, but since then, numerous small shops have opened dazzling people’s burned out Starbucks ruined palates. It’s not the big chain’s fault. They simply just created their own niche of cheap burned java. There were limited second choices. Now the second choices offer handcrafted cups of coffee. People are growing in their expertise. Of course this leads to the art of coffee, even on tattoos. That’s a Siphon straight from the illustration off the patent. This fella, Logan works at Balconi and he’s flying the flag of coffee. Of course he’ll get the bong jokes, but in the end, this is commitment. I reposted the video below in case you missed what siphon coffee is all about. Balconi Coffee is in West LA just off Sawtelle Blvd. [youtube]_zx_co2cc0k[/youtube]
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