Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Here is a little treat for you, a website chock full of playable digital replicas of those handheld, card-shaped LCD arcade games we all played in the ‘80s and early ‘90s. There are currently 27 games in total on display, and most of them you can actually play in your web browser. A big part of the fun, which also caused a little bit of sadness, was looking at all of the crisp images of these little handheld arcades and remembering which ones we loved the best and actually owned at one time. And it may surprise you, as it did us, that not all of these games are Japanese. A fair number of them are Russian, and few are from Taiwan. One Russian game, “Nu, pogodi!” involves a wolf trying to catch eggs in a basket, and is very simple, whimsical and fun. Yep, this site is one of the best time-wasters you’ve probably seen in awhile ( – Handheld LCD Game Madness) The game arcade page was created by Polish design company Hipopotam Studio. Their website is also pretty interesting:
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At E3, it’s all about Motion Games. Seriously, what is as boring as playing a game on a flat screen? (It’s actually fine either way), but at a convention like E3, the eye catchy kinetic energy happens when people are running around, dancing around, and swinging their arms. It doesn’t help that often times, the people doing it are wearing tights. Even the UFC Personal Fitness Trainer as seen below is demonstrated by a team of buffed out ladies. The one below could score a take down, mount, and then a ground and pound. Some of you would let her do it and enjoy getting pummeled. With her game faced, cold stare pose, you’re doomed. But this is actually an exercise game for the X-Box Kinect. Other Highlights? The Kinect software is looking like fun, and the weird thing is, it’s handled like it’s own new planet. I saw Disneyland Adventures, which didn’t move as well as I wished, but it looks like fun for the kids. Kinect Star Wars was fun, swing the light sabers and jump, kick, and keep moving forward. You can use the force by reaching back and pushing forward. You can lift ships out of your way. Yes, this part… it’s cool. (there’s no real point in showing photos but these are good for the kids.) Kinect Fun Labs. Yes, it’s free and it’s part of an endeavor to tie you more into the system. Like the 3DS, you can create a Mii in minutes. No more of the 1 hour wait time while you get your hair just right. This cuts to the chase.

Hulk Hogan was there to promote his Hulk Hogan’s Main Event game. Another for the Kinect. People are racing to take a photo of him.


That’s Chilan Lieu who’s working on a new show on HG, and was there for I tagged along for meetings with Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and Yoostar!

The holy grail of the entire E3 event. That’s the Wii U and it’s playing the upcoming Zelda, or at least a part of it.  Thicker than an iPad, this is part of the new console. There’s a few more photos of it and with it in the photo collection after the jump. It seems like a retro looking device for some reason. Almost like it’s new/old done on purpose. This is just the special controller. The neat thing is that it’s used in some games as a special controller, almost like a Dungeon Master in a AD&D game. You see a little more than the others. Also it’s reported that you’ll be able to use this to play the games away from your TV, draw on the pad, surf the web, and use it nearly like a tablet. The Wii U looks like a bunch of fun. I’m still thinking it’s design could be a little tighter.


Dos dudes… from – Thanks much fellas. See more photos after the jump.

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Attract Mode, Meat Bun, Angry Bananas, and Giant Robot. Game Night continues on. Our December show rained out, but in the end, being Southern California the weather was nice in January and Game Night 4 with holiday themed games. I’m not sure if people recognized the holiday cheer with the Christmas lights, the game graphics featuring a lot of holiday imagery, hot chocolate, and candy canes! It goes from 7-10, but we kept it going longer. We also added Street Fighter and when you do that, time flies.
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There’s a lot of interesting stuff floating around the GR office, and this particular design has a story that should be told. The design has a retro feel because it’s based on the Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! videogame from 2005. Released for the DS exclusively in Japan, the game follows a male cheerleader squad team dedicated to helping people in times of crisis. Taking a high-school exam, making pottery, wooing a girl, saving the world from an asteroid–wouldn’t any task be a little easier if men with armbands were cheering you on in a synchronized fashion? The task of this article of clothing happens to be assisting Giant Robot. The woes of print publishing are well-documented and our particular challenges have been fully disclosed, so it was extra cool of our friends at Meat Bun, the masters of turning obscure videogames into hip T-shirt designs, to raise money for GR with this shirt. That’s actually Eric in the middle of the manga panel (I recognize the T-shirt he’s wearing, if not the expression) clutching back issues of GR. Can you identify them all? Find more information and images (or even buy your own) at the GR shop site. Support GR and keep the spirit of weird videogames alive!
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