Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Years ago, Mondo Kim’s was the premier alternative video store. New, old, rare, and even zines (they carried Giant Robot for years), they were the epicenter of NYC and possibly the entire nation. They were one of the best. They have since closed down like many video stores and their collection is now sort of a mystery. Giant Robot NY was just around the corner and up a couple of blocks. In the Village Voice, is an awesome and long article about Mondo Kim’s video collection. Imagine Yongman Kim’s 55,000 piece of video in all form that needed to find a home. In 2009, the NY Times reported that the collection was going to Italy. The collection is now shrouded in mystery. It’s important, yet also either not utilized much or just non-existant. Why is it there where there seems to be no audience? This article sort of chronicles the collection in it’s present form in true crime style. (Villagevoice – Mondo Kim’s) Thanks to DDK for the link.
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Here’s a video to tell you about the exhibition. I’m glad I didn’t ramble too much. It’s nicely done and it’ll show in the theater during the duration of the exhibition. Thanks to the crew at JANM who worked on this and make plans to come Saturday 6-10pm on September 22 at JANM. [youtube]9OeF2bkeHls[/youtube] Here’s the link to the video.   That’s Rob Sato below!
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