Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
In case you’ve wondered where the slogan came from… (Keep Calm and Carry On) this video will explain it all. [youtube]FrHkKXFRbCI[/youtube] youtubelink
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[youtube]0kcQsOHO6kY[/youtube] [youtube]N-rOUx2nc1I[/youtube] youtubelink
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This is Beau Sia and Amber Tamblyn reading at GR2. Beau Sia’s new book The Undisputed Greatest Writer of All Time. (Sorry about the delay in getting these up. It does take a long time to upload an HD video even if it’s a cellphone video. Enjoy the readings. We’ll keep trying to add video as much as we can!) [youtube]ZC6DZlfopRA[/youtube] [youtube]1qWYXTm93mc[/youtube] [youtube]JZ5jEf1HOyI[/youtube]
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Yes, he had to do it. [youtube]4LAefTzSwWY#![/youtube]
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