Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Chang Deqing dolls. We’re not sure why this one gets singled out by this paper in a world filled with dolls and figures, but it’s getting traction among fashionistas. Perhaps it’s his use of fabrics and being from a place that’s lesser known for figures and toys – China. He’s sort of a new Michael Lau in a way, blending urban wear and a design that’s also reflective of urban themes (regardless of their bad fashion). For you toy fans… Edition of 20! (China Daily – Chang Deqing)
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No, you aren’t going to Tibet. The latest self immolations by Buddhist sealed the fate, no more tourism which means less attention towards the injustice. Does this mean news orgs will be left out too? Tourism is a big part of making money there and now it’ll be cut off. How will the folks there make a buck? Government money? Fat chance. It’s a strategy of some sort for sure to keep the news out, keep attention out and bleed the place dry. (ABC – Tibet)  
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