Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
photo by Thomas Nakanishi Things stay true throughout the generations of blogging about Japan. Here’s what one CNN reporter says about Japan, and it falls under “travel surprises”. In a nutshell. 1) Stylish kids everywhere. Yes, those expensive haircuts are everywhere. 2) Both tech and old school together. Yes this happens when a country has been around for much longer than the USA. 3) Tokyo is big. So big, you can a little of everything. 4) Expensive but also not. Yes melons can be $100, but you can eat udon for $4. 5) Clean. Not Singapore clean, but clean. (CNN – Japan)
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No not really, it’s more like the other way around. It’s a small town with a name that helps them in the smallest way. T shirt, cellphone charms, gifts. Here’s yet a different version. The shirts do say “exists really” on it. According the WSJ, the excitement has died down and there’s still goods to sell. (WSJ – Obama City)
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Why Tokyo is #1? Interesting that CNN would go out and just say this even if it’s just “CNNgo” but it’s saying a lot from a news organization that is supposed to be… a news organization. We can agree Tokyo might be #1 among many great places, but it’s almost child like to say this! (CNN – Tokyo #1)
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