Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
photo by Thomas Nakanishi Things stay true throughout the generations of blogging about Japan. Here’s what one CNN reporter says about Japan, and it falls under “travel surprises”. In a nutshell. 1) Stylish kids everywhere. Yes, those expensive haircuts are everywhere. 2) Both tech and old school together. Yes this happens when a country has been around for much longer than the USA. 3) Tokyo is big. So big, you can a little of everything. 4) Expensive but also not. Yes melons can be $100, but you can eat udon for $4. 5) Clean. Not Singapore clean, but clean. (CNN – Japan)
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Not a complete new experience in North Korea and the geographical information doesn’t have enough meaning, but it’s a solid trip and nearly fun narrative about a trip to North Korea. It’s not filled with glamour or ridiculousness, it just tells a tale, which might make it more accurate. (Huffpo – North Korea)
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The Hello Kitty App is available to help guide you in Japan. The app is called, Visit Japan with Hello Kitty, and you can “discover the Japan you didn’t know”. The cool thing, you can shoot photos and Hello Kitty will be on the screen too. You can keep track of your trips, sort of like a FourSquare check in, and that’s about it. The magic word… it’s FREE.
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