Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

The black box can solve the mysteries of the plane crash. Yes, I’m obsessed with plane crashes. So this black box… it’s actually orange and it’s 13 lbs, and can survive anything, but sometimes they can’t find it. That sucks. There’s a beacon in it. That’s a good start. So why…1) can’t they make this thing wireless and be connected and have it download all the info at all times? Have a few servers buried in Colorado?2) aren’t there 10 black boxes?3) not in a thumbdrive form, so there’s tons of them all at once? 4) not embed them in a seat, since those are always found floating around? Why not in every seat?5) not make them float? Why not make one float and one sink?6) not attach a reward so private treasure hunters could join in?7) isn’t there a video camera of the plane, let’s say from the tip of the wing in, taking video at all times? 8) not one on both pilots at all times, so you can see if they’re falling asleep or drunk?
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Since I’m a UCLA alumnist, I like hearing this stuff: James Franco bails out as the speaker at UCLA’s graduation probably because of pressure from the students who say he hasn’t done anything. In his place is Brad Delson, guitarist from Linkin Park. I’m not sure if not doing enough as a student matters anymore… isn’t it all about what you do outside of school that matters? Either way, Franco would have been pretty funny, and I bet would have done a fine job. In 1993, my speaker was… Elisabeth Glaser, the co founder of Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and Starksy’s (1970s Starsky and Hutch) wife. She passed away a year later. I can’t remember a thing about what she said, but I do remember being disappointed that she was the speaker. I knew nothing about her, her organization, and didn’t really get it at the time. I’m sure whatever she said was more important than what either of the speaker candidates this year can give, but it was still unmemorable. That’s a pretty sad state of our lives (or at least just mine). link to LA Times.
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Imagine… just not too long ago, Americans, yes you, or maybe your parents couldn’t tell the difference between Japanese and Japanese Americans – enough to the point of putting 120,000 Japanese American in prison and taking away all of their shit. Today, North Korea and Korea aren’t being confused at all even though they’re bordering countries (much less with Korean Americans). That is amazing. But still just remember 60 years ago… this couldn’t happen.
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Of course, they got sentenced to 12 years of labor reform. What’s that mean? In Communist China, it’s breaking rocks until you can’t anymore. But in this case, it has to be posturing to make more news. What’s their future? They’ll be pawns in some kind of trade so North Korea will save their faces. It’s odd how the news only recently picked up energy. Is it because of the vigils? The news picked up before the sentencing, and now it’s headline news – when it should have been this entire time. It’s been months of them not being seen in public.
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In that order… Let’s start with Sena on the left, who is artist, Mari Inukai’s daughter. How does Mari have a kid in high school? Impossible. Sena is named after the legendary F-1 driver, Ayrton Senna who died May 1st 1994. That’s almost like being named after Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, or even Bruce Lee. She’ll be taking 4 AP classes as a junior. Yeah, she’s on track. She also has a relative named Shuma for guess who? Senna’s biggest fan Michael Schumacher.
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