Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

I forgot to get this one up. It’s one of the pieced together photos, so I can show you my Photoshop skills… this was Jane’s party at Mr Hahn’s crib. Who’s Jane? Wouldn’t you like to know? 5) Bottom left, you might see her in there. 5) Hahn’s books. Yes, he doesn’t want people looking at his stuff, but oh well. I’m not the first, but that’s a lot of books. 4) I’m sitting on his sofa, tired. Nearly the last one to leave. 3) Boba station. Dude had a boba station at his house. At the end of the night, it appeared that maybe the cup I drank was the only time it was touched. But having this is pretty deep. 2) Who uses their Nara ashtray? 1) Hahn flippin’ burgers and rollin’ weenies. Parties at houses are a tough one. One the one hand, if you have a nice big place, it can work, but on the other, you need to know everyone really well or else it’s sort of a stress fest. Who knows who has a sketchy friend.
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First time I ever made it and glad to say, I think I got it down. It’s not bad. There’s a few things I can do to make it better, but over all, I’d eat this often. Perhaps in a future GR, I’ll show you how I do it. Lately, I’ve been making more food, it’s pretty fun, and it’s almost like crafting or something like that. Just in a different way.
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So many products this time for the TRASH section… stuff from all over, and for others… not just me. Well, sort of. Are the release of so many cool things just a random event? Or does this mean, people are trying to make stuff again? Let’s hope it’s the latter. It seemed a bit dry, in terms of new stuff for the last while.
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All I need to say is Will Sweeney is awesome. This video is bugged out and weird, but at the same time, it’s really great. I’d like to see more, but animation just takes so much time. Great work, but a great guy. BIRDY NAM NAM – THE PARACHUTE ENDING Clip Officielby Has_Been
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l.a. Eyeworks! Guess what? That’s girlwithglasses, Lisa Strouss Donald who’s now an eye glass expert. She can pick glasses that’ll fit your face and critique why some work and some don’t. In picture 4 is Brent Zerger, the main man. I got his help too. It’s amazing how technical and design oriented picking glasses can be. There’s reasons why some work and some don’t. Some are too expected, and some are just a bit off center which makes them just right. I only need glasses for nighttime and maybe driving. I play softball as some of you know, so when the ball comes off the bat, I swear it’s blurry. I stand in place, or backpedal just a bit, since I’m not seeing the ball. I’m in leftfield… it’s far. Once I guess a beat on where it’s going, I’ll catch it. I also picked up some sunglasses too. Thanks l.a. Eyeworks.
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