Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Linkin Park Video shoot. Joe Hahn directs the new video. I heard the song a bunch of times. I purposely had to leave imagery out since it’s secretive. Wives, families, and more attend the shoot. It’s like a work vacation. That’s how the big kids do it.
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Shiro’s Head. The brothers Don and Kel on the left and right of me at the film festival. The coolest thing about film festivals, is that when they bring people in from out of town, you can see their excitement and energy. Don and Kel are from Guam. It’s not like it’s their first time to the US, but they did make a film out of Guam, that’s sort of like a Menace to Society. It’s not a wimpy movie about dudes in grass skirts, this is street level stuff. Here’s a trailer.
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Dr. Jan Adams… I think. I’m pretty sure this is him. He’s Kanye West’s mother’s plastic surgeon. The full page ad does say Beverly Hills and it does say plastic surgeon… But why is he in this ad for Chanel? This ad is older then his more newsworthy times of late. This came out I believe in 2001 and it’s in Studio Voice magazine from Japan! Check him out on TMZ. Do I have the right guy?
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leftfieldproject interview of myself. I actually don’t remember doing it at this point, but I do recall that drawing of me… thanks much to Duane Fernandez. here’s the link.
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I totally missed this, but the hipster grifter, who became the Asian sensation for 1 minute, is in custody… There was something great about her being on the run. A movie? What’s next for her? Gawker has the short story.
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