Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Post It’s 7, an insane exhibition that takes so much effort from so many people. Volunteers, help, friends, and even family is what it takes to put the 1200+ Post Its from 181 artists. It was a great opening. Amazing and it wasn’t that rough of a crowd, but it was a packed house all night.
1) Show up to check out all day on Saturday. 2) Sign-up list to purchase out at 6 pm. 3) Sales start at 6:30 pm based on sign up list. 4) If you aren’t there when called, we will move on to the next person on the list, so leave a cell number so we can call and let you know your name was called. 5) Opening night, limit is only one from a single artist. No limits after opening night. There will be a wait time until your number is called, be prepared.
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